UTV motion pictures have shifted the release date of their upcoming venture 'Ghanchakkar' to 28th June. The first trailer of the movie will come along with Himmatwala. Ghanchakkar is directed by RajKumar Gupta who won accolades for his first movie 'No One Killed Jessica'. Emraan and Vidya were seen together earlier in superhit 'The Dirty Picture' but Ghanchakkar is the first movie where they are actually paired opposite each other. The movie will be the first release of Vidya Balan post her marriage. Vidya is on a hattrick after the super success of her last two movies - 'Kahaani' and 'The Dirty Picture'.
'Ghanchakkar', revolves around an ex-conman named Sanju. He is laid back and has a taste for finer things in life. The problem is - he has an ambitious wife (played by Vidya) with her own notions of the world. Produced and distributed by UTV Motion Pictures, the film has music by composer Amit Trivedi and lyrics by Amitabh Bhattacharya.
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