After superstar Salman Khan, who signed a 500cr deal with Star India lately, it is time for our Singham Ajay Devgan to jump in the ring. Ajay Devgan has recently signed the deal with Star India networks for his films' rights. Television, at times gains TRPs for even flop films. The deal is finalized for all his releases till 2017.
"Business is becoming increasingly open and clear, so it's easier to deal directly,"
said Devgan,who is currently shooting for Prakash Jha's Satyagraha.
"I am securing the producer a higher value, so he benefits eventually,"
said Devgan, explaining the impact of the deal with Star India which is for a period of five years and is said to include at least ten films. Producers, depend on satellite rights to bankroll at least 35% of the cost of production.
Talking about his feelings further, he added,
"But I am also ensuring a certain amount for myself. For the rest, like actors fees etc, all depends on the relationship between an actor and producer. This should keep me busy for the next year-and-a-half at least."
Ajay Devgan's current projects include 'Himmatwala' by Sajid Khan and 'Satyagraha' by Prakash Jha.
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